Saturday, May 11, 2019

An Academic Affair - now in PDF

My novella, An Academic Affair, is now available in a variety of formats, including PDF and plain text, via Smashwords. It's a fun, quick read about Leigh, a lecturer living in Cape Town who makes the classic mistake of falling for a colleague before she even knows him properly. It's sure to make you laugh in some places - and groan in others!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Writing, running, walking

I’ve been thinking lately about good health – how to achieve it, and how to hold onto it. It seems clear that writers, like all desk-bound workers, need to put in some effort to overcome the drawbacks of their sedentary work. There’s plenty of information around that indicates how bad for you it is to sit all day.

Writers’ guru Joanna Penn, along with Dr Euan Lawon, has even written a book about this issue. It’s called The Healthy Writer, and covers a whole range of topics, including how Joanna herself cured her back pain and migraines. I haven’t read it yet, but I want to! It’s available at all the usual online stores and you can read more about it  here.

Me, I love my couch heartily, am addicted to chocolate, and quite fancy all things sugary. So you can probably deduce that apart from cutting down on the chocs, I need to Take Action. I’ve considered following the “Couch to 5k” running plan. As the name shows, it’s designed to take you from slothfulness to running five kilometres, or three miles. It seems perfect for unathletic types like me.

At this point, I think some sort of walking plan would be better. Either way, I hope to develop some fitness. Any improvement will be a near-miracle. I’ll keep you posted.

Til we meet again

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