Thursday, January 17, 2019

Free novella

Reality Show is currently free on Amazon, and will be until Monday the 21st. It's an ebook only, and it's reeeeeally short, but I hope readers enjoy it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

It's all happening...

Had a busy start to 2019, with all three novellas now published.

As I announced last time, the first one published was Reality Show (Michaela watches her husband on TV as he takes part in a show, and learns some painful truths about her relationships, and about herself). There's also Not For Ever (two sisters struggle to relate to the men in their lives, with some comical and some serious results) and An Academic Affair (Leigh works at a South African college and finds herself attracted to a colleague).

Thanks go to Amber Feldkamp at The Book Cover Designer for the cover of An Academic Affair, and to Kristyn at dropdeaddesigns, also via The Book Cover Designer, for the cover of Not For Ever.

By the way, Reality Show is available from midday on 17 January, until 21 January, for the special price of $0 - yes, absolutely free! See the Kindle shop.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New novella - Reality Show - is out!

I'm very excited about my new novella being available, finally! There is so much to learn about the publishing process, and I had to wrestle for ages over some (probably very minor) technical issues, but finally got it done.

Thanks very much to Beti Bup for the cover design ( The main character, Michaela, has a tough time in this book, so I was glad to find an image of a young woman who looks less than thrilled with life, but determined.

Now I'm working on the other two novellas. I'm putting them all in Kindle Select, which will make it easy to construct some special offers in the next month or two, so look out for those.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Hey, it's 2019! Best wishes to all readers.

I took the pic below on New Year's Eve. I hope it's symbolic of the year to come: beautiful, and full of promise.

I'm busy finalising a novella, Reality Show, and plan to publish in the next few days. So exciting! Joanna Penn of says that selling on Kindle Select is a good idea if you're a brand-new author. So I'm going to follow her recommendation. Joanna Penn is wonderfully knowledgeable - I thoroughly recommend her books and website for all aspiring authors.

I'll be back soon to announce the book's release.

Til we meet again

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