Monday, June 24, 2019

Just - Can't - Do - It

I've tried a couple of times recently to write romances - full-on, full-blown, hitting-all-the-spots romances.

And I simply can't do it.

The one plan was to write a trilogy about how three sisters find love in middle age. I began writing about the first sister, and quickly realised that her burgeoning relationship wasn't nearly as interesting as how she was going to solve some of the problems at the school where she worked.

Then I began writing about a woman with a Secret Past. She opens a shop in a small seaside town, and her landlord is a physically attractive, but difficult sort of guy. "Woah! Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw ahoy!" I thought.

But no. The landlord quickly proved himself to be a morose, supercilious pain in the wotsit. My main character was quickly reduced to wanting to kick him in the shins. Such childish violence is not going to lead to romance, right?

So I'll stop attempting to make my characters fall in love. Perhaps it would make for a much more interesting story if they simply loathe each other.

In the meantime, here's a reminder of my recent novella, Not For Ever.  It's an ebook available on Amazon and Smashwords. I think it manages to be light and funny, despite the main characters not having much luck in the love department.

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